Munio Makuuchi

Original hand signed prints are available in limited editions (usually of 32). Most are drypoint intaglios. The prints and poems that are here are just a small sample of Munio's work. A complete 258 page manuscript of poems and prints (photostats) entitled "From Lake Minidoka to Lake Mendota and Back to the Northwest Sea" and a book of Aerogami can be ordered from MAKUNOUCHI Press. Munio is currently seeking a publisher for the Minidoka and Aerogami books. Munio is open to bartering, exhibitions and sponsors.

Questions, comments, complaints -- please E-Mail me. dpn

All applicable copywrights remain with the original presenters regarding images and content of Munio's Camp pages. I have done some minor adjustments to some pages for navigation purposes. Please use the above email if you have any legal questions or complaints.

Updated contact information, valid as of: 20-Feb-2006 12:05 PM EST.

Jamie Makuuchi
26622 Sierra Vista
Mission Viejo, Ca 92692

All Contents except where specified are copyright © 1986-1996 Munio Makuuchi, including the term "Aerogami"
All photographs except where specified are copyright © 1996 Josef LaVigne